How do thoughts affect us

   Your thoughts are what have created your reality up until now
and what will create your reality for the rest of your earthly existence. You will be astounded, when you start taking notice, of the amount of negative thoughts you have every single hour of the day. What you think about is what you get, whether it is positive or negative. If the universe hears your thoughts of lack, it will make sure you receive more lack, and if it hears your thoughts of abundance, it will make sure you have abundance in your life.
   So take notice of what you are thinking and what your emotions are telling you. As soon as you notice a negative thought or bad feeling, stop yourself right there and then and turn it into a positive affirmation.
   We all have so many negative programmes in our subconscious mind that have been given to us by our parents and other adult influences in our life during childhood (this is not their fault, they are just passing on the beliefs they have been given from their parents).
   The best way of doing this is to watch our thoughts and emotions and practice positive thinking and affirmations every day of our life. Slowly but surely we are able to reprogramme our mind, changing negative beliefs that hinder our life experiences to positive beliefs of self worth and love, enabling us to live a more fulfilled life, attracting positive loving experiences into our daily existence. So if you catch yourself thinking a negative thought such as ‘I have a bad relationship or I am so broke’, immediately turn this into a positive thought such as ‘I have a happy, loving relationship or, I now have an abundance of money’ — any affirmation will do as long as it turns the negative into a positive. It doesn’t matter if you don’t really believe it initially, if you say it regularly enough, the subconscious will start believing it and begin attracting it to you. It is amazing how this one practice can change your whole life.

Love yourself

Most of us are bought up thinking it is wrong to love ourselves, that we are vain if we even like ourself. This programme sets us up for so much heartache in our life. The truth is, if we don’t love ourselves, we cannot truly love anyone else. Until we love ourself unconditionally, we are constantly looking for fulfillment in other people, especially our partners, which can only lead to disappointment and heartache. When we can honestly say we love every part of ourselves, we will automatically stop judging others. It is then that we realise, we are all perfect in spirit and doing the best we can in this human existence with the programmes we have been given in childhood. When we can just accept without judgement, we really start to understand the term inner peace. It is then that we can truly forgive others for the wrongs we think they have done to us — often becoming the cause of lifelong pain and eventually illness or disease of our physical body.

Time to meditate :
By meditating, we are nurturing our body, mind and spirit. If we spend 20 minutes every day in meditation, we will soon reap the rewards. We become more peaceful throughout the day and sleep more soundly at night. Things that would normally upset us start to just wash over us — the peace is too lovely for us to let these little incidents interfere with it. Anxiety and other fear-based emotions will drop away as we become aware that we are connected to the creator and the abundance of the universe, leaving us feeling safe and peaceful. Our own spiritual guidance becomes stronger and we become more in tune with our own psychic gifts.

Live in the ‘now’ :
When we live for today, life becomes so much less stressful. Really, all that there is, is now. None of us even know if tomorrow will ever come, so why do we spend so much time worrying about tomorrow instead of making the most of what we know we do have and filling our days with laughter and love. If there is only now, then there is no yesterday, no past and no reason to be angry at anybody. When we can release all anger from our body we will certainly feel the benefits. Holding on the anger and unforgiveness is debilitating to our physical and emotional bodies. I read once that the most selfish thing we can ever do is to forgive. I truly understand that now, forgiveness equals freedom. If we are holding on to anger we need to work on loving ourself. If there is no tomorrow, no future, no reason to stress about bills and money, no reason to worry about what’s going to happen to. 
   By     : Lyn Nichols – an expert in the field of New Age spirituality
Source : sunday times.


 Do we realize how powerful our thoughts can be? Mostly we assume that thinking is a hazy part of our mind and that thoughts are just whimsical emotions, fleeting games which the mind plays on us.    The truth is that thoughts are the most powerful energy known to humankind. Mohandas    Karamchand Gandhi  had a thought, which became a belief and finally an obsession, which no one   and nothing, not even threats and physical pain, could change. Not only did he believe in it, he inspired other people to believe in it and galvanised them into a movement. What is incredible is that an average human being who would usually be more concerned about his family, was ready to give up his life for a cause which, in real terms, was not going to give him any immediate or tangible material benefits.

            So how do thoughts affect us? Thoughts can be episodic and fleeting, or they can be recurrent, or they can become a belief. Let’s see the kind of beliefs people have:

·                    I am so plain, who will like me?

·                    Money only comes to people who are wicked and evil and who do wheeling and dealing.

·                    I will always be fat because I have fat genes and no willpower.

·                    Some people are lucky but I’m not.

·                    Life is a struggle.

A lot of you must be wondering what such esoteric ideas have to do with health. Here’s what:

Health is th final outcome of our thoughts. Many doctors struggle to heal their patients of lifestyle diseases, skin problems and allergies and find it frustrating because the patient harbours such strong fatalistic thoughts that ultimately the disease wins and the doctor loses.

We have to ultimately realize the presence of the most powerful energy in the universe – mental energy and thoughts. All thoughts about ourselves need to be watched. Are they about prosperity, health, positive relationships or they only fearful thoughts of loss of money, bad health, children who hanker after money? Thoughts are energy. Repeated thoughts become habits, habits become character and character leads to destiny.

So please be responsible about what you think.

Tag:[tag] health, habits, character, destiny, relationships, prosperity, thoughts, life style, energy, gandhi, physical pain, family, money, fat, struggle, luck [/tag]
By Shikha Sharma

Source – HT

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