Prosperity is an idea

   How would you feel and act right now if you had everything you wanted? Well, let’s just pause for a moment and visualise this: Right now, see yourself acting as if you did have everything you wanted. See yourself acting in that way; capture the feeling of completeness and satisfaction that you would have. Luxuriate in that thought! What a wonderful feeling that is, and it is possible!
   But let’s first ask ourselves how do we manifest prosperity? It is a fact that prosperity begins in mind. First as an idea, and then it comes into form. As within, so without as the saying goes as well as the more well-known quote, ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’
   Thoughts are things and your thoughts create your reality. This, then, is absolutely true and in exact correlation with having enormous wealth and prosperity in your life. You can only have things that are in harmony with your thoughts and beliefs. That is a Universal Law. The great spiritual truth in regard to our wealth and prosperity is that God is the Source and Substance of your supply and people are merely channels!
   Well, it’s true on this human plane that is it people who hire us for our jobs, give us our paychecks, our bonuses and the like, but it is God that is the one true source. When you are aware of this wonderful spiritual truth and incorporate that into your consciousness, you will begin to stop holding onto people, jobs and things so tenaciously and fearfully because they actually represent only one of many, many channels available to us. Stop giving your power away to these people and things and affirm, ‘This or something better.’ Ease up.
   When we meditate and pray for more wealth and abundance in our lives, we don’t necessarily know where it’s going to come from and we don’t need to know. That is up to the God which can see a much bigger picture than we could ever see as human beings. By knowing this, we will be able to release an enormous amount of fear, struggle and worry, when we trust and know that God is the source of our supply and that people are merely channels and that there are an abundance of channels available to us. Some we know of and some we are not aware of, but as i mentioned before, we don’t need to know where our good is coming from we just need to trust!
   For those of you who are now out and about interviewing for a new job,
this is of particular importance to you. Who hasn’t gone after a job claiming that it’s my job and i must have itonly to be bitterly disappointed when we didn’t get it. But somehow, up the road, an even better job came our way.
   This has happened to me many times before when i stated out in the business world and then i finally got it! I then began to go to interviews without any anxiousness or a having to have that specific job no matter how much i wanted it, and you know what?
   I was much more relaxed, more confident, more articulate, calmer, and presented myself more authentically and more as a professional. I increased my chances of getting the job ten-fold and knew in my soul that if i did not get the job it was because there was something equal or better for me out there. This wonderful knowing; gives us an enormous sense of freedom of calm and peace of mind. Knowing that God is the source and substance of your supply and that people are merely channels is absolutely key to your happiness, success and prosperity.
   The next important point to getting more prosperity in your life is to begin affirming that you are prosperous. For those of you who are not familiar with affirmations or why they are important to your success, just think of them as positive statements that we can use to change our mind, belief system, attitudes and actions and therefore get the results we want. A fabulous affirmation for prosperity would be: “By day and by night, i am being prospered in all my ways!”Another great affirmation is, “I am now, in the process of attracting greater abundance, prosperity and success into my life in everything i am undertaking!” Make no mistake, once you start ingraining your mind with this prosperity consciousness everything in your life begins to change. That moment everything begins to improve, because your thoughts improve. Say over and over, “I am Prosperity” and say it with meaning!
   So just know right now that your mind is one of your most prized possessions. It has been said that you are the architect of your life. Ask yourself right now what kind of life are you building for yourself ? A magnificent life or a limited life? Everything that has been available to everyone is also available to you. There is a wonderful quote from Balzac which underscores this fact. He said, “None are superior to what you might become!”Start knowing that the potentiality of one is the potentiality of all. If anybody has wealth you can have wealth; if anybody has a beautiful home, you can have a beautiful home. Life is a state of consciousness. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Change your consciousness and change your world.

by : jane abram 

source : Sunday times

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One Response to Prosperity is an idea

  1. rahul mishra says:

    जय श्री गुरुवे नमःसोचो जिसने तुम्हें सुंदर सृष्टि दी , जो किसी भी प्रकार से स्वर्ग से कम नहीं है , आश्चर्य ! वहां नर्क (Hell) भी है । क्यों ? नर्क हमारी कृतियों का प्रतिफलन है । हमारी स्वार्थ भरी क्रियाओं मैं नर्क को जन्म दिया है । हमने अवांछित कार्यों के द्वारा अपने लिए अभिशाप की स्थिति उत्पन्न की है । स्पष्ट है कि नर्क जब हमारी उपज है , तोइसे मिटाना भी हमें ही पड़ेगा । सुनो कलियुग में पाप की मात्रा पुण्य से अधिक है जबकि अन्य युगों में पाप तो था किंतु सत्य इतना व्यापक था कि पापी भी उत्तमतरंगों को आत्मसात करने की स्थिति में थे । अतः नर्क कलियुग के पहले केवल विचार रूप में था , बीज रूप में था । कलियुग में यह वैचारिक नर्क के बीजों को अनुकूल और आदर्श परिस्थितियां आज के मानव में प्रदान कीं। शनै : शनैः जैसे – जैसे पाप का बोल-बालहोता गया ,नर्क का क्षेत्र विस्तारित होता गया । देखो । आज धरती पर क्या हो रहा है ? आधुनिक मनुष्यों वैचारिक प्रदूषण की मात्रा में वृद्धि हुयी है । हमारे दूषित विचार से उत्पन्न दूषित ऊर्जा ( destructive energy ) , पाप – वृत्तियों की वृद्धि एवं इसके फलस्वरूप आत्मा के संकुचन द्वारा उत्त्पन्न संपीडन से अवमुक्त ऊर्जा , जो निरंतर शून्य (space) में जा रही है , यही ऊर्जा नर्क का सृजन कर रही है , जिससे हम असहाय होकर स्वयं भी झुलस रहे हैं और दूसरो को भी झुलसा रहे हें । ज्ञान की अनुपस्थिति मैं विज्ञान के प्रसार से , सृष्टि और प्रकृति की बहुत छति मनुष्य कर चुका है । उससे पहले की प्रकृति छति पूर्ति के लिए उद्यत हो जाए हमें अपने- आपको बदलना होगा । उत्तम कर्मों के द्वारा आत्मा के संकुचन को रोकना होगा , विचारों में पवित्रता का समावेश करना होगा । आत्मा की उर्जा जो आत्मा के संपीडन के द्वारा नष्ट होकर नर्क विकसित कर रही है उसको सही दिशा देने का गुरुतर कर्तव्य तुम्हारे समक्ष है ताकि यह ऊर्जा विकास मैं सहयोगी सिद्ध हो सके । आत्मा की सृजनात्मक ऊर्जा को जनहित के लिए प्रयोग करो । कल्याण का मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा । नर्क की उष्मा मद्धिम पड़ेगी और व्याकुल सृष्टि को त्राण हासिल होगा । आत्म – दर्शन (स्वयं का ज्ञान ) और आत्मा के प्रकाश द्वारा अपना रास्ता निर्धारित करना होगा । आसान नहीं है यह सब लेकिन सृष्टि ने क्या तुम्हें आसन कार्यों के लिए सृजित किया है ? सरीर की जय के साथ – साथ आत्मा की जयजयकार गुंजायमान करो । सफलता मिलेगी । सृष्टि और सृष्टि कर्ता सदैव तुम्हारे साथ है । प्रकृति का आशीर्वाद तुम्हारे ऊपर बरसेगा । *****************जय शरीर । जय आत्मा । । ******************

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